HUF's First Team Rider





この本のインタビューだから言ってる訳じゃ無いけど、HUFだね。俺は、凄いテクニックであったり、革新的とか見たこともないトリックをする奴を目指していた訳ではなく、ポップとスタイルが重要だったんだ。スケートマガジンに載っているベーシックな写真を見て、どんなギアを使っているかを観察していたので、その頃の俺は、当時の雑誌に載っていたJahmal (Williams)やJulien (Stranger)に影響を受けていたね。分かりやすく言うと、スタイルを持っているスケーター達だね。Kareem Campbellも大きく影響を受けた1人だよ。Rick Ibasetaにも憧れていたよ。


Johnny IgeiやKyle Demersなど、HUFで働いている友達がいたんだ。よくお店でリンクして、一緒にスケートしていたよ。初めてキースと一緒に滑ったのはサンフランシスコのThrasher Parkで、HUFの他メンバーとも一緒に滑りに行ったんだ。それから数年後、俺がニューヨークに住んでいた時、トレードショーでキースに偶然出会ったんだ。「最近何してるのか?」とキースに聞かれて、靴の話になったんだ。当時、Converseは俺に靴を送ってきてくれていたんだけど、キースは「ちゃんと必要なものはテイクケアしてもらえてるか?」と質問してきたんだ。俺は「必要なのは靴くらいかな」と答えると「一緒に何かやろうぜ」とその場で言ってくれたので、正直に自分は何が必要か伝えると、キースもHUFは何ができるかを説明してくれて、それからは必要なものは全てフォローしてくれたんだ。


俺にとってはビッグ・ディールだったよ。HUFでスケートすることに関して初めてキースと話した時、もし参加するんだったら、俺のゴールは靴を出すことだと伝えたんだ。そしたら次の日にキースから電話があり「Let’s do it(やろうぜ)」と言われたんだ。俺はそれまで靴のデザインに関わることなんてなかったので、チャレンジすることにとても興奮していたよ。もちろん自分のシグネチャーシューズがリリースできて凄く嬉しかったけど、今振り返ると、ああすれば良かったとか、こうした方が良かったなど、色々と考えるけどね。







Joey Pepper’s mix of finesse and raw power earned him the coveted tag of the “skater’s skater.” Handpicked by Keith to join the HUF skate program, Joey earned the brand’s first signature shoe and brought a new flavor to East Coast skateboarding. Quiet, calculated, and just as sarcastic as his mentor, Joey’s skating and presence carries on tradition.

OK, off the top, there aren't a lot of pro skaters who came out of Maine. Can you tell me a little bit about how you got into skating and how you came up?

It was literally a board that was found in a dump and was given to me by a friend's dad who was a garbage man. Back then in a rural area, there were no videos, there was nothing., What do you want this thing to do? And what can you do on it? There was no reference at all. So for me, it was getting a board and then butt boarding for years down the hill near my house. Eventually, over the course of 10 years— elementary school and junior high school and stuff—developing a circle of friends of three people that also skate.

Who were some skaters that inspired you when you were first getting heavy into skating?

Well shit. Not to sound like I'm just saying this because it's for this book, but Huf. For me, it was not the ultra tech, super innovative, you've never seen that trick before type people. It was like the people with pop and style. It was the people who you saw in the most basic photo shot super tight so you can see their whole kit. Those photos and those people in them were the ones I looked up to back then. Jahmal (Williams), Julien (Stranger). They all sound cliche at this point—the style guys. Kareem Campbell was a big one for me. Rick Ibaseta... I was a huge fan of his.

How'd you end up getting on HUF?

I had several friends like Johnny Igei and Kyle Demers and some other people that worked at HUF. We'd just link up at the shop and skate all the time. My first time skating with Keith was in San Fransico at the Thrasher park with all the employees. Years later I was living in New York and I ran into Keith at a trade show. He asked me what I was doing... what I was doing for shoes. At the time,I was getting flowed some shoes from Converse. He asked if they were taking care of me and doing what I need. I said it was just shoes at the moment. Right on the spot, he said, 'Let's do something.' I was super honest with him about what I wanted and he was honest with me about what HUF could do and followed through with everything.

Can you talk about getting a shoe model with HUF?

It was a big deal for me. In the first conversation that I had with Keith about skating for HUF, I told him that if I did it, my goal was to get to a shoe. He called me back the next day and said 'Let's do it.' So it was really exciting to do that and challenging, having never been involved in any like design experience with shoes. I was happy with my shoe but of course, you look back and think of what you might have done differently.

What were your memories of the skate trips with HUF?

The Europe and Asia trips were amazing— any trip that the whole team was on, Huf included. Keith went on several trips, from beginning to end. Those were always the best. Having him there, having his energy, and having his strength there made a huge difference. When you have the boss there, but it's also your boss that you respect so much as someone who has just proven time and time again that they care about who's there and they've proven in their career that they can do it as well. Keith was always someone who lead by example. And he also didn't give a fuck what anyone else thought about his choices. That's how he put together the team—he didn't really give a fuck what anyone thought.

How would you describe his sense of humor?

You just saying that... I can just remember his laugh right now. Just this the driest motherfucker. He could just cut you down with one word. He could just tear you apart with his laugh. That dry-ass East Coast sense of humor he had was just incredible.

What does the brand making it to 20 years mean to you?

I think it shows Keith's perseverance through all of it. He went with his gut and worked with people that he wanted to work with. He was passionate about the artistic end of it. He was super passionate about the art of skateboarding. He was always working with different artists and photographers, forming real connections with those people is why it's still around today. It wasn't something that was manufactured by numbers on a piece of paper to work out perfectly. For me, HUF the brand was always Huf the person. The reason I skated for the brand was because of Keith. The reason I stuck through all of it was because of Keith and his faith in me was always reciprocated. It was always about him.

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HUF® eightynine Bags

HUF® eightynine Bags