Artist & HUF Collaborator
アートの世界で歳上の人達と連んでいる時に出会った音楽が多いね。Velvet UndergroundやTalking Heads、あとはLaurie Andersonや、Tom Waitsみたいな奇妙なものを教えてもらったよ。
ある意味ギャングに入るようなものだったね。トラブルメーカーの仲間を持つような感じでね。みんなは俺たちのことをAve Ratsって呼んでいたよ。いつもたむろして、ストリートをクルーズする輩みたいなものだったね。いつも警察に追われていたよ。みんな親は離婚していて、みんな俺たちを避けていて、世間から追放された様な感じだったんだ(笑)。
ちょうど俺が再び学校に通いだした頃に、ナイキがスケートシューズ市場に参入するために卒業生たちを面接していて、俺のところにも話がきたんだ。当時俺はTum Yetoでクリエイティブデイレクターをしていて、ボードのデザインをしていたんだけど、「ナイキがこのビジネスに参入するのは無理だよ。だってスケーター達はオーセンティックさをもとめているんだから」って言ってやったんだ(笑)。
Cleon Peterson possesses a striking and wholly original visual style, immediately captivating to the eye. A frequent collaborator with HUF, his connection with Keith dates back to New York City in the early 90s, when the two were young skate rats practicing their 360 flips.
What’s inspiring you these days?
I try to be aware of what's going on in the world and usually the things that inspire me are the things that get me angry. Something that elicits some kind of emotional response, where I feel like I have to address something. But, if you're talking about what I like in terms of books and stuff, right now I'm reading a book about William Blake. He was a very spiritual guy, living in poverty in a world that was changing with the Industrial Revolution. So he was surrounded by chaos but instead of letting the world define him, he turned inward and tried to find some sense of spirituality and made art about that.
It sounds resonant with our modern times.
Yeah. And it's not just politics and social media, it’s also just this weird sense of existential crisis. It’s a very anxiety producing world that we're in right now.
What subcultures were you drawn to as a kid and in what order?
I’ve been into art since I was little. For some reason when I went to the museums, I felt a connection to art. I was into music as well.
What kind?
A lot of my music came from hanging out with older people in the art world. I was introduced to Velvet Underground and Talking Heads and weird stuff like Laurie Anderson and Tom Waits.
Those musicians make me think of cassette tapes that artists have in their studios.
Yeah, it's all always been about that. I grew up in Seattle and there's a lot of music and record stores there. Then I got in into BMXing and skateboarding, until it moved more into skateboarding for me.
With regards to skating, what was your defining era?
It was in the early-90s, I guess. Skateboarding was such a good thing for me because there was a time in my life where I didn't want anything to do with my family and skateboarding was my own unique world. Skating in the 90s was about deviance, basically [laughs].
Discovering skating was like joining a secret club.
It was also like joining a gang or something. You have your little posse of troublemakers. We were called the Ave Rats. We were like these little scumbags that hung out all the time and cruised the streets. The police were always chasing us everywhere. People didn't want us around. We all came from divorced homes. It was like we were exiled from the world [laughs].
What larger life lessons do you think you took away from being a skater?
I think that we were defining our own culture. It’s crazy to see the amount of productive people that came out of skateboarding, like all the artists and musicians and filmmakers. But then, think of the activity. You’re doing it by yourself—nobody’s telling you to do it. You’re a self-initiating person. A doer.
I feel bad for these people that just go from one thing to another and can never find something that they love to do.
Skating also does a really good job of staying insular, in a positive way.
It’s funny, when I went back to school, Nike was interviewing graduates because they were gonna get into the skate shoe market and they came and talked to me. I had been the creative director of Tum Yeto and had been designing boards, and I was like, ‘There's no way you guys are gonna break into this business, cause skaters want authenticity [laughs].
I read you first met Keith in New York when you were a kid. Why were you in NYC?
I think I was there with my brother and my mom. We used to go there to check out museums, so it might've been that. I hooked up with Keith and Keenan Milton at that time. They took me around to spots.
What was your impression of New York City?
It was crazy and there was some really sick stuff to skate. You had to be on the run all the time because there’s security everywhere. You would hit a spot and then go to the next spot and then go to the next spot. The other thing I remember was when you turned the radio on there were a thousand radio stations in New York.
What was your first encounter with HUF as a brand?
I don't know. I guess I just knew that Keith was making stuff. And it felt very SF, like Keith was expressing the roots of skateboarding and the real energy behind it.
In addition to your connection with Keith, what else drew you to them?
What I like about now is that they’re more of an old school brand. They’re doing projects with artists that are about the culture, you know?
What was it like hanging out with Keith?
He lived right down the street for me, and we hung out until he died, basically. He was such a positive dude and a connector. Keith was also a really good parent. He always spent time with his kids. It was important to him.
What kind of stuff would you talk about?
We'd sit down and talk about funny people in our lives [laughs]. Sometimes we'd talk about art or general life stuff. It was not only Keith, because he always had his whole family around him.
What does it mean to you that HUF has reached 20 years?
It’s a testament that the good stuff survived.