Past HUF Design Director & Founder of NEXUSVII.
2002年、NEXUSVII.の創設者である今野智弘はキース・ハフナゲルに出会い、その後長年の友情を築き上げてきた。HUFの仕事にも携わりコラボレーションを展開する中、トモとキースは一つのシンプルなコンセプトで繋がっていた:Dream it, make it, and keep creating(夢を見て、実現させ、造り続ける)
2001年にKeith Hufnagelを当時S.F STUSSYの店長をしていた"T"から紹介してもらい、2002年のHUFのS.Fのショップオープンとブランドスタートから見てきました。
NEXUSVII.は2001年に、HUFは翌年にブランドをスタートしていて、一緒にコラボレーションしたり、自分がKAWSとMEDICOMTOYが一緒に運営していた『ORIGINAL FAKE®︎』のデザイナーをやっていたので当時、S.FのHUFでも取り扱ってもらっていました。
Back in 2002, NEXUSVII. founder Tomohiro Konno met Keith Hufnagel and a long-standing friendship was born. Over his years working with and collaborating with HUF, Tomo and Keith connected over a simple concept: Dream it, make it, and keep creating.
What was your first introduction to the HUF brand?
I used to own a select store called Rhythm in Chiba, Japan, so I used to visit my friend “T” who was managing the Stüssy store in San Francisco a few times a year for the buying trips. One day in 2001 when Keith and Anne were looking for a location for their original HUF store in San Francisco, “T” introduced me to Keith and Anne because Keith was skating for Stüssy at that time.
What was your connection to the brand?
I started NEXUSVII. in 2001, a year before Keith started HUF. Since then, not only have we collaborated for some projects together, but also HUF carried OriginalFake® by Medicom Toy and KAWS which I was designing. I also joined the HUF Design team in 2014 and worked at the headquarters office for a while. I was always drawn to HUF’s unique design aesthetics because they come from American (sub)culture that we can’t come up with.
What makes HUF different from other brands?
HUF was founded by a professional skater with real skate culture background and supports skateboarding. That itself differentiates it from other brands, but HUF is also good at adopting high sense street cultures.
What is your most memorable HUF story during your time involved with the brand?
I have so many good memories of working with Keith, Nao, Hanni, and Sweets, but if there’s one thing I was able to contribute to the brand, it’s that I was able to introduce Haroshi to HUF. I remember Keith saying ‘Thanks for introducing Haroshi.’ every time I saw him and that made me happy. I was very honored to work with HUF creative team and that let me learn more about the brand and like it even more.
What does it mean to you that HUF has reached 20 Years?
I’ve known HUF since it first started, so it means a lot to me. I hope we both can keep progressing and work on more collaborations. I don’t mean to be sentimental, but I wish I could celebrate the HUF and NEXUSVII. 20 years anniversary together with Keith.